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The Truth About Dissociative Disorders

INTERVIEW Amlan- Good morning Tc

Tcsys — Good morning :D

Amlan — So , Please introduce yourself to our viewers who got to meet you for the first time

Tcsys — Hi everyone . We're the Crow system! Also known as Crow or Tc. We have medically recognized OSDD-1B, also known as other specified dissociative disorder type 1b :)

Amlan — Thank you ..... Now , we all have heard about dissociative disorders and identity disorders. How according to you , would you define OSDD ?

Tcsys — OSDD-1 (Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder) are mental disorders characterized by the existence of multiple separate consciousnesses inside of one body

OSDD in our point of view [or at least in our system] is something very stressful yet helpful. It helps us in times of panic or stress, but I would say it had more cons than pros.

Amlan — Oh ..... So , OSDD causes you to have multiple alters or identities , am i right ?

Tcsys — Yes. Multiple alters are formed as method of coping and made to protect the child, since DID/OSDD is only formed at the ages of 6-9

Amlan — Right…. May I ask you what your multiple alters are ? Or some of the frequent ones ?

Tcsys — We are a system of 17+ alters. We have 4 more frequent ones: Me (wilbur), tom, dakota, and tubbo

Amlan — Ohhh right, right.... And As you said earlier..... These alters are a form of coping and protecting you when you were a child…… Are these alters based on real people ? Or are they fictional characters ?

Tcsys — Well, there are 2 types of alters created. Introjects, and brainmade. Brainmade are made from scratch like a "new" person, introjects are based on real things; fictional characters, real people, etc. Me [wilbur], dakota, tom and tubbo are all introjects. I am an introject of the musician and streamer Wilbur Soot, Dakota is an introject of the teenage streamer Ranboo, Tom is an introject of the famous youtuber Tommyinnit, Tubbo is based of one of the teenage streamer Tubbo's many characters, also known as a fictive.

Amlan — And do these introjects and brainmade alters coexist together in the system ? For example , right now Wilbur is the one fronting....... Do tom, tubbo, dakota exist right now ? Does wilbur know about the others ?

Tcsys — Yes, they do exist. They always exist even when they arent fronting. Alters dont "disappear" or "die", they are like a real person, because they ARE a real person. And yes, i do know about the others, at least the ones who already have introduced themselves in the system.

Amlan —

Okay.... So , do the fictives also behave in the same way as the characters do ? And if so , what would have happened if you hadn’t seen those characters on TV or on the internet ?

Tcsys — Not always. Alters dont always act like their source. They can have their own sexuality, gender identity, race, way of acting, etc. And if we did not have consumed all the content we do now, then yes; we would still have alters. But they would be brainmade instead, and not introjects.

Amlan — Oh I see ……Now if I may ask , when did you get diagnosed with OSDD ?

Tcsys — We are not fully diagnosed, but we are medically recognized. We realized we were a system 2 months ago. :)

Amlan —So Tc , what was it like to be a system , before getting medically recognised ? Did you recognise the symptoms yourself or did a professional point them out to you ?

Tcsys —It was very confusing, to say the least. We were not 100% sure if we were an actual system, but then we told our symptoms to a medical professional and they pointed it out to us.

Amlan — What has been the reaction of friends and family in real life about this ? Did their interaction with you change ?

Tcsys — We have not told our family , but our close friends do know. They were confused by it at first, but after a while of educating and explaining the basics, most of them have basic knowledge of it now.

Amlan -Thats good to hear … Are their some specific tech support that can help people with OSDD , that you may suggest ? And If so , how do they help you ?

Tcsys — Yes! We suggest the simplyplural app. It is a mobile app that lets your system customize their profiles, pronouns, etc. And if you are more advanced, we recommend the pluralkit bot on the discord app, that can be used on all platforms; mobile, computer, etc. Although the pluralkit bot is a bit harder, it is worth trying since it is also very useful to let people know who they are talking to.

Amlan — That sounds really nice Now tc , have you met other systems online or in real life ? If so , what was your experience like ?

Tcsys — Yes we have. We are friends with a lot of systems online, but we havent met one irl. One example is our partner, who is also a system. They are called "the panic-room system"

Amlan — Awww thats really nice to hear To round it all up tc , what would you like to say to other people about systems ? What is your message to the world ?

Tcsys —Our message is to treat alters like different people — because they are. Don't believe the image that most companies portray systems as in movies such as "split". It is bad representation that should not be believed. None of us are "more real" or "the evil one". We're all our own person, treat us like it. We are humans. Real people. Treat systems like you would treat any other person.

Amlan —Thats a very important message indeed ……Thank you Tc for giving us your time Real pleasure interacting with you .........


FOOTNOTE Tcsys is a very talented artist , especially in digital art. Their fanarts especially are very detailed and look really cool Here is the link to their socials for you to see and appreciate. Twitter :


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