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The Giraffe at Konark

Nyimbo stood at the hull of the ship. As the sun rose up from the distant horizon, set ablaze the morning sky in a russet copper tinge , Nyimbo could feel the cold salty air in her face . In the corner of her eye , she could see Lakeisha and T’shala working on the deck. In the distant horizon she could see the majestic Puri temple. Though Nyimbo didnt believe in the gods on this strange land , she was grateful to finally have reached the place she wanted to touch . She had reached the shores of Kalinga and soon enough they would finally disembark. She held the small red string in her right palm and looked at it reverentially. In her mind’s eye she could see him again “Take this seal, my sister” Gopala said with his ever beaming smile ….. “ When the first ships from Kilwa Kisiwani reach my homeland , show this to my countrymen…… When they see the my seal, you shall be received with hospitality.” And they did. As the convoy landed on the Chandrabhaga shore , their jaw dropped at the magnificent structure being made there. “Holy Mgumbo….. How did they make that ?” T’shala watched with their mouth gaping open The Sun temple stood in front of them . Even while incomplete, it was bigger and more magnificent than what they had ever seen, with tiny precise details that would take years to do. It was as if witnessing spectacle first hand. As they were escorted to the Royal convoy And there he sat on his gold plated throne , King Narasimha deva himself She had heard stories about him from Gopala , about how he had destroyed conquering Islamic armies from north , and yet he didnt have any haughty look in his eyes. A huge handlebar moustache and a scar on his left forehead were all that said of his military battle….. Everything else about him reflected resplendent serenity . “Your highness” … the three ladies greeted the king .They put their balled fists on their heart and bowed low….. The traditional Bantu salute. The king merely smiled and nodded. “My lady , you must be tired after a long journey….. Perhaps some refreshments are re-” “No your highness….. Our task at hand is more deserving our attention” she said solemnly “Pls continue my lady” “Your highness , I speak today on behalf of Sultan Ali Ibn Sayyid of Kiwi Kisiwani in the lands west of your Jambudweep…. Which some call Tanzania or Tanganyika .... You must already have heard of our land , and its riches . I offer your Sadhaba maritime traders to come and trade with us” Nyimbo stated plainly “Trade what my lady? My Sadhabas already trade with Sumatra and Bali in the eastern isles.” “ I know your majesty….. It is your fabrics that we seek. We have to buy Kalinga’s silk from Sumatra for 3 gold coins each ….. If your traders were to directly come to Kiwi , both our kingdoms would benefit from it” “I dont think that would be advisable my lady…. The seas to the west are unfavourable to piracy…... I value my traders lives….. I am not putting their lives at stake, for a little bit of gold” “Your majesty , I swear upon my life , that every single Sadhaba will be received as a guest of our kingdom….. And treated with honour that he deserves. We also believe in your words , Your majesty …… We also believe in “Atithi devo bhava” And We do have something to prove our loyalty to you.” Saying so Lakeisha brought in the beast onto the land. He looked majestic. He was as tall as the mast of the ship itself. He strode in front with his massive legs and tried to turn his massive neck around and cram to adjust to his newfound surroundings.His neck in itself had huge brown patterns on it, that were new to the eyes in the room. The Kalingans were amazed . This was an animal they had never seen before. Even the King came down to see it . “My lady , this is a wonderful beast ….. What is he called ?” T’shala smiled and said - “We call it a Twiga, your highness….. But the northerners call it Zerafa or a Giraffe….. This is the tallest animal in the world. You wont find it anywhere else in this universe, your highness. We this is the first time we have brought a Twiga out of our lands” The king himself came down and stroked his neck affectionately. Nyimbo said - “Your majesty , Let this twiga be a sign of our friendship ….. That a wide sea in between our lands cannot seek to destroy our trade” The king looked at her and beamed - “Yes my lady…. Our kingdoms are sealed under the bonds of friendship….. This is the word of Langula Narasimha Deva” PS - And today , we can see the sculpture of this meeting on the left wing of the Sun Temple at Konark . 3 African women presenting a giraffe to the king. The Sadhaba traders traded there for centuries - In gold, ivory, silk etc The effects of this cultural mixing can be seen in the similarity in our languages Lion = Simba (Swahili) , Simha (Sanskrit/Odia) Jeera (cumin) is same in Swahili and in Sanskrit/Odia


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